Dylans first word was HI! And boy did he like to say Hi. Everywhere to everyone...it was Hi, or a real long draw out HIIIII-E, then it was Heyyyy, usually after about three Hi's to someone with no response.. Heath and I love to shop so of course Dylan has spent a lot of time in stores riding in the cart browsing with daddy and I. Every person that past or was next to us Dylan said Hi to and he didn't stop with just one Hi...he would keep saying it over and over. It was really cute and sometimes sad. I can't believe all the people out there that don't say hi back to a precious little baby in a shopping cart with a joyful smile on his innocent face saying Hi. Heath and I would have to laugh because the ones that didn't say Hi back right away would get a couple different toned 'Hi's ' followed by Im trying to make eye contact with you 'Heyyyy '! Then he would look at me with these sad little eyes like mama why don't they want to talk to me. I guess that is one of the jobs of a parent is to keep them hopefully and happy even when disappointment happens. I sometimes feel sorry for the polite people that do say hi right away because Dylan's game then turns to lets see how many times we can say Hi back and fourth. He is such a funny, loving little stinker butt.
My friend Jenna works at target and Dylan loves his Nenna. So yes Target is a whole new experience now. The minute we get in the door he starts hollering NenNa! Na! Na! NenNa! The whole time until we either leave or until we find her. I think he knows when he sees her he is going to get out of the cart, play with all her beeps and gadgets and touch everything mommy says not to (haha)
After the first couple times we went through Dylan hollering for Jenna I now call to make sure she is working; if she isn't I skip target. He doesn't do this at all stores, just Target. Today I didn't even get the car parked and he was hollering her name. He is such a little smarty pants.
My friend Jenna works at target and Dylan loves his Nenna. So yes Target is a whole new experience now. The minute we get in the door he starts hollering NenNa! Na! Na! NenNa! The whole time until we either leave or until we find her. I think he knows when he sees her he is going to get out of the cart, play with all her beeps and gadgets and touch everything mommy says not to (haha)
After the first couple times we went through Dylan hollering for Jenna I now call to make sure she is working; if she isn't I skip target. He doesn't do this at all stores, just Target. Today I didn't even get the car parked and he was hollering her name. He is such a little smarty pants.
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