Friday, April 17, 2009

Our Little Echeo

The other day I was giving Dylan a bath.. He loves to take his baths in the sink, probably because he learned at Grandma Betty's he can squirt people with the hose. He has soaked all of us at least once, and finds this to be hilarious. Heath was also in the kitchen splashing around with Dylan. I told Dylan to stand up so I could wash him. While he was getting up a whole cup of water splashed out all over the floor and me. As I jumped back without thinking I said "Sh*t!" Immediately following my mistake, out shouted Dylan. "SH*T." Clear as a whistle. I don't know what it is with curse words and toddlers but they always seem to say those words perfectly clear. Right after Dylan said this Heath and I just looked at each other like oh great. Dylan eyed us both back and forth, looked down and said "Shoot" Of course that is when Heath and I starting rolling. Dylan smiled and began to repeat "Shoot" over and over. I don't think it is possible that Dylan knows he should say "shoot" instead of "sh*t" but it sure seemed that way to us.


Stacy said...

I stop by and check your blog every once in a while. I had to laugh today...... was Heath in the sink splashing around with Dylan? For some reason that is how I read it the first time. LOL

Darcy said...

Now that would be a kodak moment, or NOT! LOL