Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mama, Your My Best Friend

Dylan and I were watching Dora the Explorer this past weekend.  The episode was about Best Friend's Day.  I find it amazing that Dylan understands as much as he does and pays such close attention to what he is watching.  He can definitely multitask because him and I were playing dinosaurs while this episode was on.  Sometime during playtime Dylan walked over to where I was sitting,  placed his hands on my cheeks, bent down to make eye contact "Mama, your my best friend." he said and gave me a kiss.  This boy is SUCH A SWEETHEART!!!!  I don't know how many more times I can melt.....but this was a good one =)   I asked him who else was his best friend and of course Daddy was, and his Gma's and Gpa's.  Later in the day when I was trying to show off to Grandma Jean (Betty) how sweet my little boy was.  I said Dylan tell Grandma who your best friend is.  He smiled and said "M.....a.......No Grandma" and pointed at Grandma Jean.  Little Turkey.  But he is right Grandma is his best friend too. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How adorable. I can't wait until Gabby is old enough to talk and melt my heart like that. Of course, I get snuggles right now, plenty to soften my soul. :)