Dec 21~
Dylan had a very good Christmas. We celebrated my family side Christmas on Dec 21 at my Mom & Dads house. My brother David, his wife Stephanie, my Grandma Bentzin, Mom, Dad, Heath and Dylan. We started with a wonderful Ham dinner, that was delicious then proceeded to open presents. Of course Grandpa kept saying Dylan was ready to open presents...but we all know who was ready.....Grandpa. Dylan was so careful opening up his presents. He would rip a piece off, then hand it to me. Rip another piece off, hand it to me, or whomever was next to him. He opened the first presents but didn't quite understand why I set it aside when he didn't barely have time to look at it. But then started to understand when you put another present in front of him. Again very very careful. He really liked his Thomas Telephone that Grandma and Grandpa got him......and of course he was talking to Dee (Uncle David). Dylan is always talking to Dee when he is on any phone. Uncle David and Auntie Stephanie brought there present out. It was huge. Dylan looked excited and confused at the same time. There wasn't that much of a reaction when he opened just a box(which was a motorized Jeep) so he can roll like his Daddy. But when we took it out of the box, Dylan jumped right in the seat and was ready to ride. Still not put together all the way we just let him sit in it for awhile before we put it back in the box. He started to cry when Uncle Dee picked the box up to put it back in the bedroom so we just left it sit in the kitchen so Dylan could keep an eye on it ;)
Dec 24-Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve we celebrated with Heath's family. We got to Grandma and Grandpa G.'s house and they were not home from church yet. Dylan's present were unwrapped sitting under the Christmas tree and of course that is the first thing he noticed. A big oohhhhhh came from Dylan. I told him he had to wait for Grandma and Grandpa to get home. He would walk over to the tree and squat down next to his many presents and say ooh again..but like a good boy he wouldn't touch his presents. Just sit and admire them. Bear (their dog) would bark and Dylan would run to the door hoping they were home. Patiently waiting for about 15 minutes or so Grandma and Grandpa finally got him. Grandpa entered first. Dylan grabbed his finder and proceeded to bring him to the tree....grandpa said can I take my jacket off first. So Dylan let go of his finger and waiting patiently again for the jacket to come off. Finally grabbing a present...I said no no you have to wait for Grandma. Grandma entered the door and Dylan ran to get her. Grabbing her finger and pulling her to the tree...again stopping to wait while Grandma got her coat off. Finally Dylan got to touch and take all his presents out the their boxing. He was very good and very patient. We were very proud of him.
Dec 25 Christmas Morning
Christmas morning when Dylan woke up I went to his room to get him. I asked him if he thought Santa Claus came last night. He looked excited and shook his head yes. We went down stairs to check and Santa had been there. To Dylan's surprise there sat a Lego table&chair set with a Christmas stocking of goodies on top of it. Dylan ran over to it. He seemed very pleased. Of course there were more presents waiting to be opened; since Dylan is such a good boy Santa was very very good to him. But at that moment Dylan wasn't really interested in opening anything up just yet. He just wanted Daddy to stop video taping, and mommy to stop flashing picture and sit down with him and play with his new Lego table. So we spend the rest of the morning playing with all his toys and trying to explain that mommy and daddy are to big to sit on the chairs, faking it at some points. It was a wonderful Christmas morning and our apartment has officially turned into Dylan's Toy Shop!!!!
Dylan had a very good Christmas. We celebrated my family side Christmas on Dec 21 at my Mom & Dads house. My brother David, his wife Stephanie, my Grandma Bentzin, Mom, Dad, Heath and Dylan. We started with a wonderful Ham dinner, that was delicious then proceeded to open presents. Of course Grandpa kept saying Dylan was ready to open presents...but we all know who was ready.....Grandpa. Dylan was so careful opening up his presents. He would rip a piece off, then hand it to me. Rip another piece off, hand it to me, or whomever was next to him. He opened the first presents but didn't quite understand why I set it aside when he didn't barely have time to look at it. But then started to understand when you put another present in front of him. Again very very careful. He really liked his Thomas Telephone that Grandma and Grandpa got him......and of course he was talking to Dee (Uncle David). Dylan is always talking to Dee when he is on any phone. Uncle David and Auntie Stephanie brought there present out. It was huge. Dylan looked excited and confused at the same time. There wasn't that much of a reaction when he opened just a box(which was a motorized Jeep) so he can roll like his Daddy. But when we took it out of the box, Dylan jumped right in the seat and was ready to ride. Still not put together all the way we just let him sit in it for awhile before we put it back in the box. He started to cry when Uncle Dee picked the box up to put it back in the bedroom so we just left it sit in the kitchen so Dylan could keep an eye on it ;)
Dec 24-Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve we celebrated with Heath's family. We got to Grandma and Grandpa G.'s house and they were not home from church yet. Dylan's present were unwrapped sitting under the Christmas tree and of course that is the first thing he noticed. A big oohhhhhh came from Dylan. I told him he had to wait for Grandma and Grandpa to get home. He would walk over to the tree and squat down next to his many presents and say ooh again..but like a good boy he wouldn't touch his presents. Just sit and admire them. Bear (their dog) would bark and Dylan would run to the door hoping they were home. Patiently waiting for about 15 minutes or so Grandma and Grandpa finally got him. Grandpa entered first. Dylan grabbed his finder and proceeded to bring him to the tree....grandpa said can I take my jacket off first. So Dylan let go of his finger and waiting patiently again for the jacket to come off. Finally grabbing a present...I said no no you have to wait for Grandma. Grandma entered the door and Dylan ran to get her. Grabbing her finger and pulling her to the tree...again stopping to wait while Grandma got her coat off. Finally Dylan got to touch and take all his presents out the their boxing. He was very good and very patient. We were very proud of him.
Dec 25 Christmas Morning
Christmas morning when Dylan woke up I went to his room to get him. I asked him if he thought Santa Claus came last night. He looked excited and shook his head yes. We went down stairs to check and Santa had been there. To Dylan's surprise there sat a Lego table&chair set with a Christmas stocking of goodies on top of it. Dylan ran over to it. He seemed very pleased. Of course there were more presents waiting to be opened; since Dylan is such a good boy Santa was very very good to him. But at that moment Dylan wasn't really interested in opening anything up just yet. He just wanted Daddy to stop video taping, and mommy to stop flashing picture and sit down with him and play with his new Lego table. So we spend the rest of the morning playing with all his toys and trying to explain that mommy and daddy are to big to sit on the chairs, faking it at some points. It was a wonderful Christmas morning and our apartment has officially turned into Dylan's Toy Shop!!!!
Grandma and Grandpa G. stopped over for a little while in the morning so Dylan could show off all his Santa presents and then our family had to get ready for another Christmas at my Aunt Gails for our family Christmas. Again Dylan proceeded to get some really nice presents...all of which he takes time to play with each and every present old and new. He finds time to do many different things during his busy play-filled days.
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