Friday, June 19, 2009

Thomas Stories

I could hear Dylan counting from his crib.  "One car,  two cars, three cars, four cars, five cars, a thousand cars."  I entered the room.  "A thousand cars?" I said  "Uh huh. A thousand Thomas cars."  
Dylan has a Thomas The Tank  mural on the wall above his crib.   I love to sit and listening to him describe the scene from this picture just after he has woke up, or just before he falls asleep.   Having watched "every" episode of Thomas listening to his stories are very interesting.  He describes each character and what he thinks they are doing, or on their way to do.  "Here comes grumpy Diesel" We can hear off in the distance. Heath and I just look at each other with these proud, glowing smiles.  Dylan is definitely our little bit of heaven right here on earth. 

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